Alastair Clay
Sustainability and Social Value Manager
What are you most proud of?
The progress that both the NHS and NOE CPC have made in terms of embedding sustainability into procurement. Having worked in both nationally and regionally on sustainability it is wonderful to see how the NHS is leading the way worldwide.
What makes you angry?
Apart from the lack of listening my 5 year old does, what makes me most angry is when people lack manners!
What sports team do you support (if any)?
I’m a massive Leeds United fan. Only recently have I given up my season ticket as I just couldn’t justify it with two young children anymore.
Which famous person would you most like to meet and why?
Christoph Waltz is my favourite actor of all time! I’d be so fascinated to meet him just to talk about some of the roles he’s played in films.
What superpower would you most like to have and why?
The ability to understand and speak all languages. I felt so uncultured when I did my Erasmus year at Copenhagen Business School.
What historical figure do you most admire and why?
I’m a fan of the art produced by the late Roy Lichtenstein. I would love to have a beer with him.
What’s your perfect weekend?
Time with the family is always so special. I have siblings with kids at similar ages so getting together for the weekend somewhere away from home is always so fun.
What’s your favourite meal?
Can’t beat a roast dinner.
Can you describe yourself in one word?
What do you hope to be doing 5 years from now?
My aim is to be leading on sustainability within the NHS at a regional level in 5 years’ time. Where social value commitments are contract managed and the NHS has made great strides in decarbonising its supply chain.