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Andrea Smith

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT

What are you most proud of?

Seeing many people I have supported over the years excel in their Procurement careers. I have had lots of proud boss/ex-boss moments

What makes you angry?

Drivers who don’t indicate – I am not a mind reader!

What sports team do you support (if any)?

Tottenham… my husband’s family are from North London so I have been indoctrinated. And I am doing the ‘Tottenham Dare Skywalk’ on 7th Julyto show my dedication!

Which famous person would you most like to meet and why?

If I could only pick one…. A G&T with Freddy Mercury, I would like to show him how the world has moved on since he left and how we can now treat HIV really differently. The film It’s a Sin was a real eye opener for me and I really can’t believe we treated people the way we did in my lifetime. And I would love to tell him how his music lives on, he is now a stage show and how much people loved him.

What superpower would you most like to have and why?

To fly – another thing I hate is airport queues and processes!

What historical figure do you most admire and why?

The late queen, she saw us through some really tough times and served the country for soooo long. I doubt we would ever, ever have somebody reigning for as long as she did.

What’s your perfect weekend?

Eating at a really nice restaurant in the sunshine with good wine and company (not having to cook or wash up) and then spending time with my 2 grandchildren Ella and Frankie. If I had time I would nip and see Alecia Moore in Concert – aka Pink. The photo is from her Sunderland concert on Sunday, it was amazing.

What’s your favourite meal?

This is tricky as I love food! I think if I could pick one dish it would be proper Italian pasta with Anchovies, chilli and garlic.

Can you describe yourself in one word?


What do you hope to be doing 5 years from now?

I can’t see myself moving away from procurement so probably enjoying my procurement work whilst being a Nannie to Ella and Frankie. Oh… and I keep saying I want to learn to speak Spanish so I would like to be able to string a few Spanish sentences together. Gracias!

Posted in members on Jun 13, 2023

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