Sue Wareham
What are you most proud of?
Obviously I didn’t do it alone but raising the profile of Mental Health and Community Procurement and getting our voices heard!
What makes you angry?
Being ignored! See above LOL!
What sports team do you support (if any)?
I’m a huge American Football fan Green Bay Packers so a Cheesehead go pack go!
Which famous person would you most like to meet and why?
Princess Anne - I think she’s a very honourable person and of course she loves horses.
What superpower would you most like to have and why?
Time travel I’d like to go and meet my ancestors, how cool would that be?
What historical figure do you most admire and why?
Might be a strange one but probably Lady Margaret Beaufort Henry VII’s mother she was one formidable force!
What’s your perfect weekend?
Spending time with family I have an amazing husband aka the butler (some would say Saint!), 2 grown up children, 2 beautiful grandsons and another grand-baby on the way! So weekends are normally busy busy!
What’s your favourite meal?
Not sure I have one, although if it’s dessert rhubarb crumble and custard every time.
Can you describe yourself in one word?
What do you hope to be doing 5 years from now?
Having taken early retirement I hope not working full-time! Maybe doing some coaching and mentoring with our very talented ‘new generation’.