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Call for expressions of interest from DHSC: We need your help to shape a new evaluation methodology for Value Based Procurement of medical technology

What is Value Based Procurement?

Value-based procurement (VBP) is an innovative procurement approach that focuses on how a product or solution can best deliver improved outcomes, reduce total costs of the patient pathway and provide long-term benefits to all partners in the health system.

By implementing a VBP approach to procuring medical technology (medtech), we seek to invest taxpayers’ money in products that offer the best value and ensure that providers and patients have access to the best available products. A broad range of value factors will be considered that go beyond unit cost, prioritise patients and accelerate the adoption of medical technology.

What is DHSC proposing on Value Based Procurement?

We know that there is already inspiring work being undertaken on VBP by many of you, but we want to go even further to drive a consistent approach and reduce burden on the supply chain.

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has been working in partnership with NHS England (NHSE) and NHS Supply Chain (NHSSC), to develop national VBP guidance. This partnership builds on the excellent work already being undertaken by NHSSC on identifying VBP opportunities and the Social Value guidance published by NHSE.

The new guidance and question bank will act as an evaluation methodology with scoring criteria for use during procurement processes including open, competitive flexible or mini competitions.

The questions are based around five domains and whole life cost as illustrated in the chart below. To ensure the guidance is as flexible as possible, buyers can select relevant domains and questions for the product being procured (in addition to required domains of whole life cost and social value).

How you can be involved:

Over the coming months, DHSC will be working with NHS Trusts, ICBs and industry to test and shape this guidance. We invite you to contribute your skills, knowledge and expertise.

There are three ways to get involved detailed below. Please let us know your preferred option by filling in this 2 minute form before the end of Friday 7th March.

  • Being a vanguard participant and shadow testing our draft guidance against a live procurement (March-May)

Shadow testing is our term for testing the guidance in parallel to a live procurement process. The results of the shadow test would not be implemented and are purely to inform how the guidance is refined. Shadow testing is not limited to any specific medtech product category and can be guided by the upcoming procurements in your pipeline.

By registering your interest in shadow testing, you are not committing to anything yet. We will send you more information including dates for our drop in sessions where you’ll hear more about the initiative, what’s involved in shadow testing, and to ask any questions you might have about the process before committing your valuable time.

  • By sharing relevant insights and evidence

This may include (but is not limited to) case studies, reports, research papers, or practical examples of VBP or related procurement strategies unique to your Trust or ICS.

You can share your insights through this insights and evidence form and have more time to supply this additional information. The form will be open until 31st March for insights and evidence.

  • Become and VBP Champion and join the VBP Community of Practice

We are creating a VBP Community of Practice where we will be sharing communications both directly and via organisations like HCSA. If you would like to receive direct communications providing updates on the VBP initiative, hear about additional opportunities to participate during the testing phases, learn about what others across the health system are doing on VBP or attend workshops and hear about training opportunities, please register your interest through the form above.

If you have any questions or would value a follow up conversation to discuss this further, please email valueassessment@dhsc.gov.uk.

Posted in News on Feb 20, 2025

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